

Image © David Luckhurst

The Project Team

Principal Investigator:

Sandy Heslop ( Sandy’s research for the project is principally concerned with the architectural histories of the churches.


Brian Ayers ( Brian’s research for the project is principally concerned with the origins and locations of the churches, and evidence for the lost churches.

Clare Haynes ( Clare’s research for the project is principally concerned with the visual record (and associated texts) made of the churches by artists and antiquarians from c.1700 to the present day.

Helen Lunnon ( Helen’s research for the project is principally concerned with the interiors and furnishings of the churches, and the people involved in their making and remaking.

Partnership Co-ordinator: Kristi Bain

This research project is a work-in-progress, and information and case studies are added to the web site gradually. Moreover, to ensure the project is manageable, we have restricted our research to the medieval history of Norwich’s churches (c. 1000-1550). The Project Team welcomes your comments, suggestions, and contributions.